UK Toremet Ltd (UKT) can grant and re-grant funds to your charity if your activities would be seen as charitable under UK law.

To qualify as a Recipient Agency with UK Toremet, an organisation must be able to show that some or all of their activities would be deemed as charitable according to UK charity law, even if you do not operate in the UK.

UK Toremet will only support such activities in countries in which we have a suitable representative, able to assess and monitor organisations and projects for which funding has been facilitated by UK Toremet Ltd. Currently such representatives exist in the UK, US, Israel and certain other countries around the world.

Please read sections 2 and 3 of the Charities Act 2011 by following this link and decide whether your organisation and its activities qualify. Then click here to complete the online registration form, including a description of up to 3 of your main charitable activities.

UK Toremet Ltd is a charity that facilitates services to donors and to charities. In order to cover our own administrative and programming costs, a small proportion, no more than 5%, of donations received by UK Toremet Ltd are applied to that end.

In addition to donations and grants received by UK Toremet Ltd in support of our own programs, or funds donated to UK Toremet Ltd to be allocated to Charity Accounts, UKT is also happy to receive donations with a recommendation that they be re-granted to a particular cause or recipient agency. In such cases, a proportion of the grant donated to UKT is retained as a donation to UKT as follows:

  • Private donations from UK tax payers that are eligible and approved for Gift Aid: 100% of the donation received from the donor is regranted to the recipient agency. GiftAid is retained by UKT.
  • Grants from charitable foundations, non-UKT charity accounts, corporations, and other donations from non-UK taxpayers: 5% of the donation to UK Toremet is retained in order to cover administration costs.
  • There is no charge for allocations from UKT Charity Accounts.

*Additional direct costs (eg. credit card fees, 3rd party platform fees, etc.) are not covered by the standard retention/contribution to costs.

Significant allocations are transferred to their recipient agency as soon as funds become available for transfer. Smaller donations are transferred on a monthly allocation cycle, by arrangement with the recipient agency.

How to Sign Up

CLICK HERE to fill out the online form

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